Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

As I reflect back on the year that just was, I can't say it was a great year or a bad year... rather... it was just another year.... which is a good thing. Another year I got to spend with my wonderful husband and children. I feel like this year my children have grown up a lot. Luke started kindergarten, which I will admit goes up there as one of the hardest days I've had as a parent. He is so smart and so mature for his age. I am proud of that little guy! :) Emma seems really grown up as well... all potty trained for 6 months now and in dance class and she thinks she can do anything that Luke can and most of the time she can. I feel that Andy and I continue to grow closer to one another every day. He is my rock. Love him.

So here are a few "resolutions" for the new year:
  1. Do more "M.A.D." (make a difference) things with Andy and the kiddos. Such as volunteering together. We kind of slacked off on that a bit last year.
  2. Get back into my Wii Fit rountine each day. I kind slacked off on that in the month of December.
  3. Finish my Esther bible study and continue to deepen my personal relationship with Christ.
  4. Less Facebooking.
  5. Less Shopping.
  6. Less spending.
  7. I need to continue to SIMPLIFY in this year. I did a bit of that last year, but I need to continue in the new year. Simplifying even more.
Overall, I need to DO more things that matter and have less stuff!

"He must become greater and I must become less." John 3:30

Happy New Year!

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