Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Day!!

Today is Luke's first snow day!! We got somewhere between 3-4 inches of snow last night, so school was canceled today. It has been nice having Luke home with us this today! I had forgotten how much I missed having him home all day. We all cuddled on the couch under a warm blanket this morning and watched Dora's Christmas special. Then Emma and Luke decided to play school. It was cute. He was teaching her about shapes... hexagons, octagons, and trapezoids. I heard Emma say, "NO WUKE, it IS an octagon." Then Luke was trying to teach her color words. It was fun watching them play together this morning. Luke is such a great big brother to her! Here is a picture of them playing school together... so cute!After lunch, we decided to bundle up and brave the cold (15 degrees) to play in the snow. I think we each had about 5 layers of clothes on and it was still cold! We lasted about 30 mintutes! It took us longer than that to get ready to go outside!!

Emma loved running around in the snow. She even started sitting in it and throwing it in the air.
Luke was excited about all the snow we had. There were a few really deep drifts in our backyard!

Below is a picture of Emma posing in the snow... that girl is working it!! HAHA!!
After playing in the snow and getting unbundled, we made hot chocolate. Emma likes to put chocolate chips in her hot chocolate. We turned on Toy Story 3 and they are both laying on the couch right now about to fall asleep!

I think Emma has really enjoyed having Luke home today. I have too. I get a lot more done around the house when he is here to keep Emma entertained. Of course, I have had to break up a few fights, but that's typical. I think they may have snow day again tomorrow, but we'll see. We may do it all over again tomorrow! What a fun day! :)


  1. This is so cute! I love Emma's outfit while they're playing school! I sometimes wish I could wear a green tutu during the day. :)

  2. Yeah me too! :) She has mismatched plastic high heels on too.
