Sunday, January 2, 2011

Feeling like a kid again. . .

I saw the Kew Kids and Backstreet Boys perform on Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve and I got chills. I immediately felt like a kid again as I sang along to every word. Seriously, it was amazing... though my husband may not agree!! HAHA!

I kind of feel like the NKOTBSB summer tour is the perfect concert for my generation. I remember loving New Kids when I was a kid. My sister absolutely loved them and had posters of them hanging in her closet. (b/c mom wouldn't let us hang posters on our walls) So, since I looked up to my sister, I too listened to all the New Kids music and knew all the words to every song and still do! :) I even had a Jon Knight doll. Every New Kids song makes me feel kind of like a kid again!

Then, in high school came the Backstreet Boys! I loved them, maybe even more than New Kids. Two of them were from KY that made them even better. I remember videotaping the music video for the song "Everybody" and then trying to learn the dance with my friends. Backstreet Boys take me back to high school.

So, I need to go to this concert this summer. I've looked up the tour dates and it looks like the closest place is either Nashville or Chicago... who is with me? Anyone want to road trip with me? I need to go.