Thursday, January 13, 2011

Things you probably didn't want to know about me

  1. I can't walk past the container of Q-tips in my bathroom and not stick one in my ear. This is a huge problem of mine. I wish I could stop.
  2. I chew ice. Another awful habit of mine. My husband is always cringes when I put a giant piece of ice in my mouth and crunch down on it!
  3. I chew on ink pens. Gross, I know.
  4. I have really thick skin on the bottom of my feet. I once got a pedicure and the lady scrubbing my feet angrily said, "You need to see a dr!" This is the reason I don't get pedicures very often.
  5. I like changing diapers.
  6. I like the smell of gasoline.
  7. I grind my teeth something awful. In college I could totally demolish a night guard in about 2 months. Now they last me about 6 months before I completely chew through one.
  8. I bit my fingernails and really wish I didn't. For a few years in college I stopped and I have no idea how I did it. My fingernails are always a mess and it never really bothers me until I go to Bunco where all the older ladies have well manicured nails.
  9. I like the smell of chlorine probably because from the age 8 until 18 I practically lived in the pool. THIS IS GROSS.... but... when I was younger, I could lick my arm and it would smell like chlorine and when I sweat it smelled like chlorine. For some reason I still love the smell.
  10. When I was younger and much more flexible, I could bend over and touch the top of head to the ground, now I can only get the palms of my hands to the floor. Maybe someday I'll be that flexible again, maybe not... probably not.
  11. My hands are always cold... but you know what they say, "cold hands and a warm heart." :)
Well that's probably enough for now and probably more information than you wanted to know, but it's me! :)


  1. Way to put it out there, sister! Not many people are brave enough to do this but now that you've said it, you've made lot of us with "hidden single behaviors" (S&TC reference!) feel we're not alone!

  2. Love that episode!! One of my favorites!!

    Thankfully Andy knew all my secret single behaviors before we were married!!! HAHA!!
