Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Pneumonia. That's a scary word, right? Well last Wednesday Andy came home early from work and said he was feeling really sick... mostly just weak and tired. He didn't look good at all... poor guy. I could tell he was really sick. I left because I had to take Miss Em to her dance class for pictures. When I got back Andy was still laying in bed and we had a soccer game that started in about 30 minutes. I tried to tell him that Audra and I could manage and coach the game, but he decided to come and coach. He was leaning on the goals and you could tell he just didn't feel well. He came home and went right to bed. He went to work the next day, but only lasted about half the day. He rested all afternoon and seemed to feel much better, so we went to Family Fun night at Luke's school and then to Terry's house for Thursday night dinner. We hadn't been at Terry's very long when Andy said he needed to lay down, so we went home. The next morning after much prodding I convinced Andy to go to the dr. He did and it was pneumonia. Scary. Where and how did Andy get pneumonia?!?!

He rested all day. Emma loved having Daddy home from work and she kept him quite entertained. Here are some pictures.

Here they are checking their email together. . .

Emma dressing her daddy up. . .

Miss Emma putting on a hula hoop show. . .

So, Andy is starting to feel much better after 4 days of nothing but rest. I am so thankful for Audra who took the kids all day Saturday so Andy could rest and I could get the house all cleaned and ready for the open house. So great to have wonderful family help us out! He went back to work today and I hope it wasn't too soon, because we have a super busy next two weeks. I will have to force him to rest as soon as he gets home. He's a hard guy to keep down though. Love him.


  1. The pictures in this post are so precious. What a good little girl keep dad entertained. Hope everything is going alright and that Andy will feel well after work today.

  2. He only made it till about 2:30 today... he's at home sleeping now.
