Monday, May 9, 2011


So here it is almost 1AM and I can't sleep... my mind is absolutely racing with all the things I have do over the next month.

1. Sell this house
2. Move into the new house
3. Pack up this house
4. Finish the video for Andy's parents party
5. Make the playlist for Andy's parents party
6. Plan Luke's 6th birthday party
7. #6 reminds me that I still have 3 thank you notes I haven't written for Emma's bday... I should do that now instead of this.
8. when is our house closing going to be?
9. Get ready for the open house Sunday-- is our house going to sell? two mortgages is scary!
10. and a special prayer

My mind is racing back and forth between all these things... I need to just go to sleep, but I can't. sigh. Not sure if getting up and blogging is helping either. :)


  1. You guys do have a ton going on. Please let me know if I can do anything to help. I wouldn't mind getting with mom to work on the playlist. When planning our wedding playlist I LOVED this site:

    It has a ton of songs from different decades and might be helpful.

  2. Thanks Mary. Your dad gave me a list of some songs. Chad Evely has about every song imaginable... he was the Billboard top 100 from every year since the 1950s... crazy.

    I can't wait for the party... it should be such a good time.

  3. Everything will be ok Lady! Faith Faith. Let me know if there is anything I can help out with....I will help as much as work will allow.
    love you!

  4. Ditto to what Mary said about the party. I feel like you've taken on more than your share for it and I want to do more.
    Also, I talked to Matt and the offer to help pack/move stands. I can take Luke, Emma and Reagan and Matt can bring the truck and help you guys. I'm sure Chris would be willing with his truck as well.
    Just let us know when and where!

  5. Oh dear.... I'm really okay.... I just couldn't sleep last night thinking about everything... it was more of an "excited can't sleep" than a "stressed can't sleep" if that makes sense. I have so many ideas... I am just hoping I have the times to get everything done! :) thanks everyone.

    Just feeling so unsettled right now... between two houses and everything... waiting on HUD to give us the actual closing date and the like. I can't wait to start making the new place our home.

    Thanks to all of you for the offers to help... I really will be taking you all up on them soon. Moving seems overwhelming... It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate over 7 years in one place. I'm glad this is most likely be the last move we'll ever make!! :)

    wow. Now this comment was longer than my blog! :) haha.

    Thanks ladies.
