Friday, August 31, 2012

Another summer gone.

Well another summer is almost over.  This is the unofficial last weekend of summer and the pool will close after Labor Day.  This usually makes me very sad, but we are already well into our back to school "routine."  But I am sad, that due to the rain left over from what was Hurricane Isaac, it looks like this WON'T be a good pool weekend.  sigh.

Luke started second grade on the 15th.  He has the same wonderful teacher and the same class of kids for second that he had for first.  I love this looping thing they do.  So, he eased right back into school like it was no big deal.  He just loves school and is doing so well.  Andy is also coaching Luke's soccer team again, so that is keeping us busy as well. They've been practicing for a few weeks and games start next weekend. I love watching Andy coach Luke's team... such great bonding time for them.  Again this year, Luke has asked he to come into school each day and pick him up instead of using the car line.  I am doing it again, because I know before too long it will no longer be "cool" to have mom come in and get him.  He even still lets me hold his hand in the parking lot.  Such a sweet sweet handsome boy.  love him.

Miss Emma will start preschool the day after Labor Day.  She will be going to Garden Gate where Luke went.  Luke loved it and I know Emma will as well.  Emma is becoming such a wonderful young lady.  She makes friends so easily.  She made so many new friends at the pool this summer.  I am so proud of her for that.  I have no doubt she will make many friends in preschool.  She also started back to dance class last week.  She is now the oldest in her class... and this year she really looks and acts the oldest as well.  She still loves dance class and has already made a few new friends in her new class, since many of her friends have moved up to the next class.

And my sweet Isaac just keeps growing and getting cuter and cuter.  At his two month check-up (two weeks ago) he was 14.1 lbs (85%) and 24.75 inches (99%).  So he is a big boy.   He is smiling and laughing and "talking" to us a lot.  He is sleeping through the night as well.  I love this age.  He is such a chill baby and for that I am thankful.

Well Andy survived another round of layoffs at Lexmark and for that we are ALL thankful.  He is staying super busy at work, being a soccer coach and still leading the DTS at church.  That man is a Saint.  love him.  I'm staying busy being mom.... nothing else I'd rather do.  We are blessed. so blessed.

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