Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My sick little boy.

Sweet little Luke was such a trooper on the trip to St. Louis. He hardly complained at all even though he felt bad the whole time. Luke has RARELY been sick... we've been really fortunate with both kiddos.

In the car on the way home from St. Louis Luke seemed fine. When we stopped for Luke he even skipped into McDonald's and ate his whole lunch. I figured he was over this bug.

Then about the last hour of the drive he started to feel bad again. When we got home I took his temperature and it was 104. sigh. It is scary when your kiddos temperature gets that high. He was so lethargic too. I immediately gave him Motrin, but that only brought it down a little. He slept fine that night, though I was alternating Tylenol and Motrin all night to keep the fever down. When he woke up Wednesday morning he seemed fine again. By Wednesday afternoon his fever was spiking again and would not come down. I called his doctor and she could not get him in until tomorrow. ugh... though it was late in the afternoon when I called. The office he goes to has after hours care and you can walk-in, so I figured we would do that if he didn't start feeling better. Well the fever was not coming down... even with meds. So when Andy got home he ran him to the dr. His temp was 103.8 and he was shivering and his skin was a blueish/purple color. The dr. called it "molted" skin. It was by far the sickest Luke has EVER been. It was scary. The dr. tested for strep and the flu and it was neither... which has stressful. The dr. said he was probably dehydrated and needed to go to UK to get IV fluids. Well, Andy asked if we could just go to St. Joe Jessamine and she said that would be okay. So they headed there and I met them there. Love his little heart. He was such a trooper the whole time, but you could tell he was scared. They got the IV right in and then they tested him for everything under the sun. They even did abdominal and chest x-rays.

Luke was so good the whole time. The doctor and the nurses were bragging on him. He did get upset and almost cry during the IV. He hated the way it felt. love his heart. He is such a strong, sweet little boy. After 2-3 hours getting fluids and testing. Luke perked right up. They said all the tests came back negative and he could go home. They even gave him a popsicle. They said it was just a virus. The next day he still had a fever, but by Friday he was much better and Saturday he was back to himself.

It was a scary virus whatever it was, but my little boy is a trooper.

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