Friday, February 24, 2012

24 weeks.

So I am feeling pretty good these days. Some days I am full of energy and others not so much.... my poor husband. I feel exhausted about the time he gets home every night. I am so ready to have my energy back.

I had another ultrasound and dr. appt on Wednesday. They did a very thorough exam of the baby's heart. This is the first pregnancy they've done this, but my dr. is no longer with Lexington Clinic, so she does things differently I guess. The dr. called the baby's heart "gorgeous." and said everything seems to be working the way it is supposed to be. This was the main reason for the ultrasound, but we also got a good look at the baby's face. This baby loves to have his hands in his face. He was also sucking his thumb. We could actually see the thumb in the mouth and the jaw moving up and down... crazy. The baby weighed about 1 and a half pounds already... so right on track. And all the measurements were right where they should be so we are sticking to the June 13th due date.

At my appointment I had gained 4 lbs... so I have gained 8 total so far for this pregnancy... not bad... but somehow it feels like more than that. I am still mostly in regular clothes these days, but I did get out the maternity clothes and sort through them. The fashion from 2008 is not the fashion for now and I just feel so frumpy in maternity clothes. I want to buy all new stuff, but I know that it not necessary... maybe just a few fun pieces though.

This baby is moving a lot. I love it. The kids and Andy have both been able to feel the movements. He/she is really active in the evenings... after everything has calmed down.... I swear this kid is doing somersaults in there sometimes. I am still feeling like this is a boy... this pregnancy has mimicked my pregnancy with Luke so much. I am still craving meats, protein, Mexican food. I swear I could eat Fiesta Mexico EVERY day! My sweet tooth has returned a bit, though I still don't have much desire for chocolate... weird.

I am feeling the urge to get the nursery put together. We already have everything we need, but I feel like this kid needs some fresh bedding. I found some really cute gender neutral baby bedding from Ikea. Now I just have to convince Andy that we really need it. It has vegetables on it... so cute. The room is already painted yellow, so it would match great. Here it is.

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