Monday, January 30, 2012

21 weeks.

Baby Johns is half done. I am over 20 weeks now. :) Woo Hoo! This pregnancy is going very quickly so far.... probably because I have two other kiddos to chase after.

We had our anatomy ultrasound two weeks ago. It is always so much fun to see the baby bouncing around in there. So sweet. and always reassuring to hear and see the little heartbeat. The ultrasound tech called it a "beautiful ultrasound." Everything was measuring very close to the due date. Since we aren't finding out the sex this time, she told us to close our eyes or turn or heads during the middle of the ultrasound. We both did. Funny thing is after the ultrasound I looked over to Andy and told him I peeked and I didn't think I saw anything so I thought it was a girl. Then, he told me he peeked too and thought it was a boy. Funny. I loved it... we are even more confused than ever. We are having another ultrasound around 25 weeks, so I have to resist the temptation to peek again, but I really do want to be surprised... won't that be fun?

From about 18 weeks until this week, I had been feeling really good and gotten my energy back. Then this week nausea and tiredness hit again... not as bad as before though. I think I may have a bug of some sort. My appetite seems insatiable these days. I am totally craving Mexican ALL THE TIME. I swear the people at Fiesta Mexico start making my meal the minute they see me walk in the door. I am still craving meats and protein and still not much desire for sweets at all.

At my 19 week appointment I had only gained 4 total pounds, which was fine with my doctor. I am still in my regular clothes at this point, but my "skinny" jeans are getting tight and I am sure I will be giving them up soon. I may be getting out the maternity clothes before too long, even it I don't really need them yet. They are comfy... and I am all about comfort these days. Most people can't even tell I look pregnant yet, but I certainly feel huge. I am still able to sleep on my stomach some, but it still scares me when I wake up on my stomach and I immediately roll over.

The baby is moving quite a bit these days... and I just love that part... so reassuring.

The kids love talking and "zuberting" my belly. This baby is going to know Luke and Emma's voices well. They couldn't be more excited. Emma asks me almost every day, "When is baby going to be here?" love her. Emma is going to be a great big sister and Luke already is such a wonderful big brother to Emma that I know he will be to this little one as well. I can't wait. :)

Only 19 more weeks till I get to hold my sweet baby... but who is counting? :)

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