Tuesday, April 19, 2011

There's a sign in my front yard

Our current home officially went on the market on Saturday evening, but the sign wasn't in the front yard until I got home after Emma's party Sunday evening. When I saw it I couldn't help but shed a little tear. I am really excited about the new house, but I can't help but be a little sad about leaving the old one. This is the house where Andy carried me over the threshhold when he got home from our honeymoon.Here's a picture of the house on the day we moved in. It is the home we brought both our children home too and had many sleepless nights together. So many family meals together. So many wonderful memories here. It is the home we grew from two young married kids to adults in. This house will always be dear to my heart, but I know we are supposed to move. Too many things have happened just right, God is calling us to this other house.

There are many things I will miss about this house.
  1. The neighbors. I love them. All of them. We are like a great big family. We look out for each other's kiddos and are always there for each other.
  2. Living on a cul-de-sac. It is like our kids have a giant yard in the front as they can play all over the street.
  3. The master bedroom. Everything about our master is wonderful. It is what sold us the house in the first place.
  4. The master bathroom and my jacuzzi tub. We do have a jacuzzi tub at the new house, but it is in the kids bathroom. :)
  5. MY CLOSET!! It is huge... I can easily see all my clothes. The new closet is about half the size, but I am supposed to be having less things this year anyways, so I need to get rid of some clothes.
  6. The gardens. We have several small gardens around the house. One is a garden Luke and Andy made the week we brought Emma home from the hospital. There is also our small square foot garden that all the neighborhood kids help plant. There are so many beautiful flowers and crape myrtles that we have planted together here. Each spring when the flowers start coming out of the ground I can remember Andy and Luke planting them together and where they came from. But I know we will have many new gardens at the new house and much more space for flowers and trees.
  7. Did I mention the neighbors? I really am going to miss ALL of them.
Though I am sad about all these things, I am really excited about what is to come. God is really calling us to this new house, I am not sure why, but I know we will use it for whatever purpose He intends us too. (I am working on a blog explaining all this as well) We have a little over a month left at our Breenie Circle home and I will cherish each moment we have left here. :)

I am praying now that our house sells quickly. It is a wonderful neighborhood with amazing neighborhoods. I hope someone great finds it and loves it as much as we have!


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