Thursday, February 3, 2011

This Is The Stuff

This is the stuff that drives me crazy-

1. All these cloudy days in a row.
2. People who constantly peck on their cell phones while someone is trying to talk to them. (in particular seeing kids peck on them)
3. Certain people that don't see how amazing and wonderful my husband is or appreciate what he does for them. I love that guy! :)
4. Negative people that try to bring you down with them.
5. Super competitive parents.
6. Bad drivers.
7. The carpet in our living room... it's awful and needs to be replaced. It drives me crazy every day.
8. The "feature" on our van that automatically locks the car when you shut the doors.
9. Emma's silver shoe that's been missing for months.... I mean it has to be in this house SOMEWHERE?!?!
10. Men who objectify women and women who let them do it.
11. My pasty skin (vain I know) but I do miss my tan.
13. The fact that Wells Fargo won't let go of the Lone Oak Drive house!

Though all these things drive me crazy, I know God is giving them to me to help make me a stronger and better person as well as to help me help others. I am learning to not let these things bother me and remember how God has truly blessed me in life. When I see these things starting to "get under my skin," I try to give them to God right in that moment.

And thank you, Francesca Basttistelli for this wonderfully catchy song!! I love it and its message.

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